rlm linux – serving several licenses

RLM 9.0 and above, supports the option to specify the ISV port

HOST computerName ANY 5055
ISV vendorName port=43956

When running ./rlm use the -c option to specify all the licenses you want to serve. Each should have its own port in the ISV vendor line.

For ie:

ISV foundry port=35099

Running ./rlm -c solidAngle.lic -c foundry.lic -c peregrine.lic -c joeAlter.lic  Notice the

05/14 10:17 (rlm) Starting ISV server peregrinel on port 34734
05/14 10:17 (rlm) Starting ISV server joealter on port 43956
05/14 10:17 (rlm) Starting ISV server foundry on port 35099
05/14 10:17 (rlm) Starting ISV server solidangle on port 48056

If the ISV port is not specified, the rlm server will assign a random port to each license. This is ok for only some vendors like SolidAngle. But The Foundry products, Peregrine Labs, and Joe Alter (as in the example) will need a specific port.
After assigning the port in the license files, you can edit your maya.env to tell the plugins the vendor port

peregrinel_LICENSE=34734@licenseServerName //yeti
RLM_LICENSE=43956@licenseServerName //shave & haircut license

When opening a The Foundry product, select the RLM server, and write the license location as 35099@licenseServerName

Your ./rlm command should yield something like this:

05/14 10:17 (rlm) RLM License Server Version 11.2BL2

  Copyright (C) 2006-2014, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

05/14 10:17 (rlm) License server started on yourComputerName
05/14 10:17 (rlm) Server architecture: x64_l1
05/14 10:17 (rlm) License files:
05/14 10:17 (rlm)     peregrinel.lic
05/14 10:17 (rlm)     joealter.lic
05/14 10:17 (rlm)     foundry.lic
05/14 10:17 (rlm)     solidangle.lic
05/14 10:17 (rlm) 
05/14 10:17 (rlm) Web server starting on port 5054
05/14 10:17 (rlm) Using TCP/IP port 4054
05/14 10:17 (rlm) ... adding TCP/IP port 5055
05/14 10:17 (rlm) ... adding TCP/IP port 5053
05/14 10:17 (rlm) ... adding UDP/IP port 5053
05/14 10:17 (rlm) Starting ISV server peregrinel on port 34734
05/14 10:17 (rlm) Starting ISV server joealter on port 43956
05/14 10:17 (rlm) Starting ISV server foundry on port 35099
05/14 10:17 (rlm) Starting ISV server solidangle on port 48056
05/14 10:17 (joealter) RLM License Server Version 8.0BL6 for ISV "joealter"
05/14 10:17 (joealter) Server architecture: x64_l1

  Copyright (C) 2006-2010, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved

  RLM contains software developed by the OpenSSL Project
  for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http//www.openssl.org)
  Copyright (c) 1998-2003 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.

05/14 10:17 (joealter) 
05/14 10:17 (joealter) Server started on yourComputerName (hostid: ANY) for:
05/14 10:17 (joealter)  shave_rendernode shave_interactive 
05/14 10:17 (joealter) 
05/14 10:17 (joealter) License files:
05/14 10:17 (joealter)     peregrinel.lic
05/14 10:17 (joealter)     joealter.lic
05/14 10:17 (joealter)     foundry.lic
05/14 10:17 (joealter)     solidangle.lic
05/14 10:17 (joealter) 
05/14 10:17 (joealter) File descriptor limit increased from 1024 to 4096
05/14 10:17 (foundry) RLM License Server Version 11.2BL2 for ISV "foundry"
05/14 10:17 (solidangle) RLM License Server Version 11.2BL2 for ISV "solidangle"
05/14 10:17 (foundry) Settings from RLM Version 9.4BL2 for ISV "foundry"
05/14 10:17 (peregrinel) RLM License Server Version 11.2BL2 for ISV "peregrinel"
05/14 10:17 (solidangle) Settings from RLM Version 10.1BL2 for ISV "solidangle"
05/14 10:17 (foundry) Server architecture: x64_l1

    Copyright (C) 2006-2014, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
05/14 10:17 (solidangle) Server architecture: x64_l1
05/14 10:17 (peregrinel) Settings from RLM Version 9.0BL3 for ISV "peregrinel"

    RLM contains software developed by the OpenSSL Project
    Copyright (C) 2006-2014, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org)

05/14 10:17 (peregrinel) Server architecture: x64_l1
    Copyright (c) 1998-2008 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
    RLM contains software developed by the OpenSSL Project

    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org)
    Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) All rights reserved.
    Copyright (C) 2006-2014, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2008 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.

    Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) All rights reserved.
    RLM contains software developed by the OpenSSL Project

    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org)
    Copyright (c) 1998-2008 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) All rights reserved.

05/14 10:17 (peregrinel) 
05/14 10:17 (peregrinel) Server started on yourComputerName (hostid: ANY) for:
05/14 10:17 (peregrinel)    bokeh_i bokeh_r yeti_i yeti_r 
05/14 10:17 (peregrinel) 
05/14 10:17 (foundry) Using options file foundry.opt
05/14 10:17 (peregrinel) License files:
05/14 10:17 (peregrinel)     peregrinel.lic
05/14 10:17 (peregrinel)     joealter.lic
05/14 10:17 (peregrinel)     foundry.lic
05/14 10:17 (peregrinel)     solidangle.lic
05/14 10:17 (peregrinel) 
05/14 10:17 (foundry) Setting TIMEOUT for all products to 3600 secs.
05/14 10:17 (peregrinel) File descriptor limit increased from 1024 to 4096
05/14 10:17 (foundry) 
05/14 10:17 (foundry) Server started on yourComputerName (hostid: ANY) for:
05/14 10:17 (foundry)   katana_i katana_r nuke_i nuke_r nukex_i nukex_r 
05/14 10:17 (foundry)   nukestudio_i nukestudio_r mari_i mari_r hiero_i 
05/14 10:17 (foundry)   hiero_r hieroplayer_i hieroplayer_r ocula_nuke_i 
05/14 10:17 (foundry)   ocula_nuke_r ocula_nukex_i ocula_nukex_r nukexassist_i 
05/14 10:17 (foundry)   nukexassist_r modo_i modo_r modov_i modov_r 
05/14 10:17 (foundry)   colorway_i colorway_r colorwaypresenter_i colorwaypresenter_r 
05/14 10:17 (foundry)   colorway_modo_i colorway_modo_r colorway_cinema4d_i 
05/14 10:17 (foundry)   colorway_cinema4d_r cameratracker_ae_i cameratracker_ae_r 

05/14 10:17 (foundry) 
05/14 10:17 (foundry) License files:
05/14 10:17 (foundry)     peregrinel.lic
05/14 10:17 (foundry)     joealter.lic
05/14 10:17 (foundry)     foundry.lic
05/14 10:17 (foundry)     solidangle.lic
05/14 10:17 (foundry) 
05/14 10:17 (foundry) File descriptor limit increased from 1024 to 4096
05/14 10:17 (solidangle) Using options file solidangle.opt
05/14 10:17 (solidangle) Setting TIMEOUT for arnold to 120 secs.
05/14 10:17 (solidangle) TIMEOUT value (120) < min (3600) (product: arnold), min used.
05/14 10:17 (solidangle) 
05/14 10:17 (solidangle) Server started on yourComputerName (hostid: ANY) for:
05/14 10:17 (solidangle)    arnold 
05/14 10:17 (solidangle) 
05/14 10:17 (solidangle) License files:
05/14 10:17 (solidangle)     peregrinel.lic
05/14 10:17 (solidangle)     joealter.lic
05/14 10:17 (solidangle)     foundry.lic
05/14 10:17 (solidangle)     solidangle.lic
05/14 10:17 (solidangle) 
05/14 10:17 (solidangle) File descriptor limit increased from 1024 to 4096
05/14 10:18 (solidangle) OUT: arnold v20160229 by yourUserName@yourComputerName 
05/14 10:18 (solidangle) IN: arnold v20160229 by yourUserName@yourComputerName 
05/14 10:20 (solidangle) OUT: arnold v20160229 by yourUserName@yourComputerName 
05/14 10:20 (solidangle) IN: arnold v20160229 by yourUserName@yourComputerName

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